Our Mission

Our Mission

We enable a lifelong pursuit of learning by creating meaning, developing habits of mind, and acting on values. We provide learning in a safe, nurturing, enjoyable, culturally fruitful and stimulating environment. We enable imaginative thinking. We enable ourselves to be open to risk, change, and innovation. We enable students, faculty, and start to become confident and responsible leaders.

We encourage multiple learning styles. We encourage holistic growth and development of the body mind and soul. We encourage effective teaching leading to meaningful learning, as we believe effective teachers continue to be learners. We encourage strong bonding with parents, thus enhancing balance in the development process of each student. We encourage ensuring the success of each student. We encourage our students and teachers to share the responsibility for learning. We encourage our students to exceed their own academic expectations. We endow concern for the world around us and our planet and also endow diversity and plurality of voices.

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